Aromatherapy for Humans

Aromatherapy for Humans

What is Aromatherapy?

 Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being; to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit.

Essential oils consist of tiny aromatic molecules that are readily absorbed via theskin, and whilst breathing they enter the lungs. These therapeutic particles next enter the bloodstream and are carried around the body where they can deliver their beneficial healing powers and are said to promote whole-body healing.

  • Sands of Time

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  • Nature's Symphony

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  • How does the Magic happen?

     Of the five sensory responses, smell is arguably the most potent. Almost every nerve in the body has to travel via the spine to get to the brain. The sinuses are the only one which go  directly to it and affect the limbic system.  It is the area in which we develop feelings, and at the same time it is the control center for motivation, creativity and concentration.
    Indirectly, it also has a strong, multifaceted influence on our
    influence on our hormonal system and on our
    vegetative system. Smell perceptions therefore trigger extremely complex processes in the brain that have psychological, material and mind-altering effects and affect the body and the psychic wellbeing.

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    Essential oils are closely related to the body's own hormones.

    When inhaled, their scent molecules hit the olfactory mucosa and millions of olfactory cells and cilia. They are converted into an electrical impulse that is transmitted to the limbic system.

    This is where functions such as breathing, body temperature, digestion, etc. are controlled, where feelings arise and memories are stored.

     The limbic system is also the control center for whether or not you “smell” someone and for sensual and sexual perception. (It`s equal in the Animal Kingdom and Human World)

    This is why natural fragrances have a strong influence on these aspects.

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    High Frequencies for Healing

    Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years, eg. in ancient Egypt and Greece.

    Aromtherapy can stimulate healing in the physical,  emotional and mental body and elevates conciousness.

    The scent of flowers, plants and their essential oils is so much more  than a nice smell.

    Essential oils vibrate -like  Flower Essences- on a very high frequency. They elevate our frequency and lift us to match their frequecies.

    A healthy human vibes on  62 MHz,   rose essential oil vibes on  322 MHz.

    Discover the magic of the plant healers in all areas of your life, for animals and their humans.

    Clinical Aromatherapy

    Aromatherapy treats illnesses and so-called mood disorders with essential oils. The fragrances stimulate the olfactory center and the limbic system in the brain. After just 0.2 seconds, we can detect electrochemical reactions that activate physiological responses. These reactions alleviate the symptoms.
    Fragrances can be administered in the form of baths, scent patches, massage oils, fragrance lamps, aroma diffusers or aroma sticks.

    Lavender is known for its calming effect on stress and sleep problems; citrus scents have a stimulating effect and brighten the mood, while jasmine scent is said to have an antidepressant effect.

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    Discover the Art of Self Care through the Magic of Aromatherapy

    Medical aromatherapy

    Medical aromatherapy is used to complement other therapies. We will discuss with you which therapies of integrative therapy and naturopathy we can use aromatherapy with you.

    Allergies and contraindications should be ruled out. We pay very close attention to the quality of the essential oils.
    Aromatherapy is used for both outpatients and inpatients.

    used for many ailments

    Essential oils can be used for many ailments. They relieve stress and nervousness, improve sleep disorders and pregnancy complaints and are used for back and neck pain. Yes, they can even help children with ADHD. Numerous studies now show that essential oils can also significantly and naturally support the treatment of depression


    •  Well-being, relaxation, massages, wellness, a little time out.
    • Depression, anxiety and other psychological issues
    • Hematological and oncological diseases
    • Postoperative nausea or nausea caused by chemotherapy
    • Chronic or current respiratory infection
    • Sleep disorders
    • Chronic or post-operative pain
    • Care of the elderly
    • Anxiety in young children
    • Organic ailments


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