Flower & Vibrational Essences for Animals

Flower & Vibrational Essences

“Flowers are conscious, intelligent forces.

They have been given to us for our happiness and our healing.”

Flower Essences and remedies have been around for a long time. The efficacy is well documented and has worked for thousands of years. Flower Essence healing  is based on vibration, quantum physics and clinical medicine. Flower Essences and their vibration are a magical tool to support our animals, because they are so sensitive and Flower Essences reconnect them with the spirit of nature and beauty.

Flower Essences focus directly on the emotional state

Medical sience has embraced and shunned that the emotional health affects the health of the body.  It is believed that the flowers are able to heal the emotionals states that would normally prevent the body from healing.  Flower Essences are a specific type of energy that, when used carefully and with skill, can change the energy field of animals and humans too.  Humans and animals exist in this energy field in the same way that osmosis does with water. Osmosis occurs to keep a balance between  the cells and the physical body  and ultimately the soul and the energy field.

Flower Essences can restore emotional and physical balance to keep us healthy and happy - animals and humans.

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Beautiy and healing for body & Soul

Flowers are beautiful.  Not only contemplating their beauty with the many bright colors is a healing experience.

The scents and the essence of their healing energy also support animals (and people) with physical and mental issues.

The flower essences for animals can be applied without alcohol.

 (That means it has to be taken within 5 days)

Sometimes for big animals like horses they also can be applied with alcohol that means they can be longer restored.

Personally I always recommend to use Flower Therapy Essences without alcohol for your animal.

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“Flower essences allow us to see into the soul of things—into ourselves, our world, and all living beings.”

Different Kinds of Flower Essences

From Great Britain

Firstly, there are the Bach flowers, which are a form of alternative medicine based on the British doctor and homeopath Dr. Edward Bach goes back.

Bach flower therapy is based on the assumption that physical and psychological illnesses are caused by an imbalance in the patient's emotional state.

The therapy is specifically aimed at restoring emotional balance using extracts from the flowers of wild plants.

There are 38 different Bach flowers, each of which is assigned to a specific emotional situation and is individually tailored to the customer.

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For Different Animals Species

To Australia

And then there are the Australian bush flowers.

These are a little more intense, a little more original in their effect and are particularly suitable for exotic animals such as parakeets and parrots, reptiles, even koalas in European zoos. The bush flowers can be of great help

The Flower Essence Therapy is particularly effective for animals as there are no side effects.

However, it is important to note that Bach flowers are not an alternative to conventional medicine and a doctor should always be consulted in the event of serious illnesses.

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Flowers are so important to animals

they resonate at a high level.

This is also the reason for their bright colors and fragrance. Animals can "read" this high level of energy. And it connects them with nature and their true self.  They do this by replicating the positive electrical patterns of the Flower Essences in their own electrical systems.

This tuning process comes as naturally to animals as eating or sleeping.

Animals embrace the gift of Flower Essences

Animals recognize the good energies of Flower Essences and know exactly how to use them to improve their health and energetic balance.

Negative energies such as anxiety, anger, or the electrical dissonance of the modern world have electrical patterns that can leave animals feeling anxious, out of balance, or ill. In contrast, the positive electrical patterns of Flower Essences help animals to improve their health and emotional well-being.

Rebalancing the emotions

Flower Essences work with the resonance of the body and allow the rebalancing of emotions to occur over a few weeks.

While they heal the emotions, they health body at the same time.

Flower Essences treat the body & organs

Flower Essences treat not only the symptom, they heal at a much deeper lever. Flower Essences can treat the root cause and the organs . For example: Fear is a symptom of the kidney. The Flower Essence is holly, crab apple for treating the  kidney meridian, olive to lower high adrenal and high cortisol levels.


  • Support emotional healing
  • Can help with the release of anxiety and behavioral problems
  • Balancing the emotionals states and prevent physical issues
  • Increase the love and bonding with the guardian when taken from him/her too
  • Can help the guardian with behavioral issues too
  • Release trauma in animals
  • Ease the mood in chronic pain for animals
  • Support the communication between animals  their humans
  • Are a lovely, beautiful companion when the animal returns to the light

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