is a gentle method in which the body is energetically balanced by tapping on certain acupuncture points. This technique is particularly effective in releasing emotional blockages, anxiety, trauma and stress. EFT is easy to use and offers a quick, direct way of reducing emotional stress and restoring energy balance.
Through the combination of tapping and simultaneously speaking positive affirmations, the limbic system of the brain is set into a relaxed, healing vibration.
For humans, EFT helps to resolve deep-seated emotional issues such as stress, anxiety or negative beliefs.
Animals can also benefit from EFT - especially with behavioral problems or healing from traumatic experiences.
Systemic ConstellationTherapy is based on working with the invisible dynamics and entanglements between humans and animals. This method helps to recognize and dissolve emotional blockages that can influence the behaviour of an animal or the relationship between animal and human.
In a constellation, we visualize the relationships within the system by setting up representatives for the animal, the human and relevant energetic fields. In this way, we can discover deeper connections and often find surprising solutions. Systemic animal constellations can be particularly helpful if an animal shows behavioral problems or if there are unresolved emotional issues in the person's life that reflect the animal.